Thursday, December 23, 2010


"kotb affected this post (one way or another)"
As much as I had to say this time but really its like everything is wiped out and nothing is left any more.
Starting with accidents that I've witnessed in the past 24 hours :(

after finishing a 3 minuets call to my mom after the Esha prayer (around 6:50 pm) yesterday I noticed a crowd in the middle of the Cornish street; it was on the other side between the 2 tunnels of "Shatby" and "camp Cesar", exactly in the middle, so I choose to go to the camp Cesar tunnel although the accident that the crowd was all around was 20 meters away.
along the way to the tunnel I was thinking of crossing the street, I even tried a few times, but it was impossible, coming to think of it now it seems really stupid as I usually say that the only right way to cross the street is through the tunnel. so after I reached the accident location the ambulance had already arrived and they were carrying a young girl (maybe 18-21), although she was not harmed (as there were no breaking in her body, but maybe in her rips), but she was screaming in agony.
She was lucky as the car that hit her was a small one that it would hardly harm any one, but some people just don't learn easily (I know from experience, "who he was burned from soup, shall blow in yogurt").
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Today at 4:00 am I was getting ready to go to sleep when I heard that awful sound of an accident.
I ran to get my keys and went out to see this car flipped up-side-down, some shattered glass on the street and some people crowding the place and others running to the scene. Although no one was hurt significantly but none of the people around caused the accident, It was some one in a "Verna" car who every one found guilty of the act.
After people flipped the car back and removed the battery (don't know why, YET), they moved the car to a side street then every one went home. Every one probably think that the "Verna" driver was drunk or "high" for pulling a stunt like the one he did -it is really very stupid to just stop in the middle of a highway- but he is gone now, and no one will probably identify him so, lucky him :( .
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Today also but around 4:00 pm I got bored from reading the book that seems not to be going to end soon (it has been over 2 months now and I've barely passed half of it), I noticed that every one on the bus (I was on my way home) was looking through the bus windows, I only saw 2 ambulances on the side of the freeway we were on, a damaged car on the dirt beside the freeway and two paramedics closing a body bag.
I'm not going to comment on these accidents because I already did before, but maybe it would make people think straight next time they cross the road or try to pass a car on the freeway or even increase their car's speed.
Another reason which is not very remotely connected to these type of subjects is something that some of you (who ever you are) might find strange.

A few weeks ago I applied for my college student ID, the strangest thing is that they take your recite, so there is no way you can prove that you payed the expenses, but this is not the issue I'm talking about here, no, Its that every time I go to see whether I can get my ID (and it took me about 6 visits in 3 weeks ) I find the IDs that are ready not ordered by any means, not by name or department or any thing, only they separated 3rd year from 4th year IDs.
I don't know what got in to me that made me try to organize them by department.
It wasn't really a problem, just instead of checking every one to see if it's mine then through it back randomly to the box, I just return them in different stacks based on the department (a little OCD stuff, I know, can't help it :(, but on the way to normal "some day hopefully").

Although it doesn't take extra time to do, but no one does it. every time I come back they are unordered again, so I do it over and over for about 4 times out of the 6, but then I realized that it never works. Although I don't know why (It was really obvious that they were ordered by department) but I came to the point of giving up.
At some other time last week I was trying to do my military college training, I went there 3 times and every time the same thing, a big crowd of student who have absolutely no reason for standing there and creating a crowd but this is the way things are.

At the third time when I actually managed to enter the building with 15 students paper (which was the max required by a student to enter with, like an ambassador of the others whom that student usually doesn't know ). every student in the queue had about 15 different students paper so there is no reason for these 15 students to be around the queue, but strangely every student in the queue was surrounded with 15 students who's papers he has. It was a massacre.

Every time I go, and every 5 minuets I try to convince the students that are making the unnecessary crowd to go away and that would make things a lot easer, but all my efforts were in vain.

I've tried to do it before about 3 times in the past 2 years but was to lazy to go. they usually close at 2:00 pm, but they told us they will close at 12:00 pm. when I was inside I found out that they do that on purpose, just because they want to leave work early :( . this is just sad.
OK, what was that all about man, we don't get it? you might ask!

Well, people look like they only think of themselves ( I I I I I I I I I, ME ME ME ME ME ME),
people think that doing the right thing is not the default, no, doing the wrong is the default and doing the right is an extra that you just don't have to do it.

Every one of the past few problems has a very easy to implement solution, but we are just used to chaos, It is easier to do things the wrong way, but who ever does that doesn't have a clue of its effect on the society, or maybe they just don't care which is even worse.

Believe me, the solutions are very simple but we are too lazy to implement them.
We used to stand in queues back in school, then why didn't we use the same organized way in our every day life. probably we didn't understand that a queue is the best way to solve conflicts and ensure equality in opportunity. We learned all kind of rules in school whether it was from religion or history or social studies, but I think all we really learned was that these rules are like fences that surround you, and to be free you must break free from that prison. We didn't understand that there rules were made to keep us safe and to save our rights, like the driver who refuses to wear his seat belt, but if only he could understand that its for his own protection, he would most probably do it willingly, not because there is an officer around.


I only say all of this because I've decided not to give in again, and I don't want you too to give in. If you can sort the IDs, then do it, it might save someone some precious time that they really need, If you can advise someone then don't hesitate because I wont, I'll do it once, twice, I'll do it as many times as I could.
maybe If it would make someone else think about doing the right thing (the absolute right), not just the right thing for their advantage.

This is how I think I can make a difference.

Friday, December 10, 2010

motivated by Sallam :XXXXD

من زمان ما كتبتش حاجه , و بعض اﻷصدقاء "سلام" ألحوا عليا الحاح شديد , لدرجه انهم كانوا هيبوسوا ايدي عشان اكتب حاجه جديده
هم: الحقنه, فين الحقنه
أنا: خد يا زلفي

البوست اللي فات كان مش واضح للكثيرين و ده كان باين من ال أوف لاين كومنتس اللي اتقالتلي لدرجه اني احتاجت اشرح الموضوع لبعض الناس "اسلام" و قعدنا نتناقش في المواضيع كلها اللي انا اساسا كان الغرض اﻷساسي اني ما أناقشهاش عشان يفضل رأيي من دماغي و مش متأثر بكلام حد, و كمان أنا انسان مجادل بطبعي و الحاجه الوحيده اللي تخليني اتنازل في نقاش هي اني ألاقي سبب منطقي بالنسبه لي يمنعني من اني اكمل و ده فكرني باليوم اللي كنت بأتناقش مع دكتور عندنا في الكليه في موضوع موقع الكليه و موقع القسم, في لحظه من اللحظات كان واضح انه مش هيتنازل و بدأ هجوم شخصي عليا خصوصا انه فكر اني مش بستعمل الموقع ﻷني من موافق عليه
,"هو غلطان, اي جست دونت جف أ دام"
بس ساعتها افتكرت اليوم اللي انا و قطب اللي كان معانا في النقاش اننا في مره قبلها كلمناه انا و هو في نفس الموضوع و وصلت في الاخر لنفس النتيجه (جدال لمجرد الجدال) و عليه ف بمبدأ شعره معاويه سكت "رغم ان كان عندي قنابل" بس مش موضوعنا, انا اساسا لو كنت اتكلمت اكتر كنت اكيد مش هستحمل العواقب (ده عارف اسمي و رقم جلوسي يا عم) , المهم ان الموضوع اللي مكانش واضح هو و بكل بساطه الدين و السياسه
ذات از ات
انا كنا قلت من صغري رأيي من دماغي و باخد قراراتي بناء علي تحليل مفصل و كامل لجميع الجوانب , بس الجوانب اليومين دول كلها لخبطه, و اﻷسف ان الواحد معندوش خلفيه تساعده و اي كلمه قد تبدو مقنعه في وقت ممكن تبقي غير منطقيه بالمره في وقت تانيو ده في كلا الموضوعين و ده بيعتمد علي حاله الانسان ساعتها و على اللي بيكلمه و قوه اقناعه مش قوه منطقه, و عليه فقد قررت مجموعه من القرارات في الموضوعات دي بس تنفيذها مش وقته دلوقتي , بس هانت
المهم, انهارده الجمعه 10 ديسمبر . انا كنت مستني اليوم ده بفارغ الصبر ﻷن كان فيه ناس بتتكلم عاى النت عن عصيان مدني جماعي في كل المحافظات و هينتهي بإقاله الريس و الحكومه و تعيين حكومه جديده ! كل ده كلام زي الفل بس الناس دي طلعوا عيال و رجعوا في كلامهم و لا حد عمل حاجه الراجل اللي بيقول انه "المقدم أيمن أحمد سالم ال" اللي ناشر حجات علي النت قفل الموقع بتاعه زي ما قال و لا عاد حد سمع حاجه عن الموضوع, بعد الصلاه قعدت على النت ادور على اي حاجه عن الموضوع عصيان مدني , مظاهره , تجمع , فرح او حتى طهور ما شفتش حاجه, كل اللي اكتشفته ان فيه كذا جروب علي الفيس بوك قرروا انهم يعملوا مظاهره الاسبوه الجاي , و غيرهم اللي بعده , ﻷ و الاحسن من كده فيه ناس اتفقت تعمل مظاهره الاسبوع اللي فات! بس يظهر ان انا كنت نايم, المهم طلع كله كلام في كلامو و يظهر انه معاد اسبوعي "هنتلم بعد صلاه الجمعه نعمل مظاهره و بعدين نروح نشوف الماتش" و لكن يبقي الوضع على ما هوعليه. و بما ان انا كنت قررت اني مش هكتب علي البلوج ده حاجه في السياسه فهنا نتوقف عن هذا الموضوع
أما بالنسبه للحاجات اللي انا شوفتها النهارده اني و انا رايح الجامع و ماشي من علي البحر "من ناحيه البيوت" شوفت حاجات عجيبه شوفت خير اللهم اجعله خير "كابلز" ماشيين علي البحر "ساعه الصلاه" و ممكن تقوللي انهم مسيحيين او اجانب , بس الايشارب ما بيقولش كده
طب لو هي مفكره انها كده بتجر رجله عشان ممكن يتجوزها , طب ازاي تثق انه هيصونها اذا كان هو ساعه صلاه الجمعه سايب الصلاه و قاعد يتمشى معاها علي البحر
تقوللي ممكن يكون خطيبها, اقولك ايه يعني, نفس الشئ برضه
طب هو راجل و ممكن يخرج في اي وقت عادي هي خارجه في يوم اجازه ساعه الضهر بحجه ايه ,"بتاخد حمام شمس و لا بتعمل تان" و اللي في البيت عندها يا تري عارفين
و المشكله انهم مش واحد و لا اتنين, ﻷ دول كتير
و هنا أقول كما قال القائل: اذا كان رب البيت بالدف ضارب, فسيمه باقي اهل البيت الرقص
ماهو السيد الوالد اللي سايبها تنزل بالبنطلون"المدهون على جسمها" هو السبب, ممكن تكون مراته "امها" ضغطت عليه بحجه ان البت عايزنها تتجوز (منطق غريب و متخلف, ما ينفعش حتي يتقال عليه منطق) بس اذا هو اقتنع فده معناه انه فقد جزء كبير من رجولته و بقي ديوث و راضي ان بنته تشوفها كل عين, و ان كانت اﻷم موافقه و اﻷب مش موافق و البنت بتخرج كده من ورا ابوها, او ان كان مافيش أب ف كده برضه المشكله هو اللي عملها حتي لو مات ﻷن كده هو بيعق أبنائه ﻷنه لم يختار لهم اﻷم الكويسه اللي ترعاهم و تعلمهم
و ان كانت البنت هي اللي مش تمام و ماشيه علي حل شعرها و أهلها مش موافقين على اللي هيا بتعمله, ففيه حلول كتير اوي و على جميع الدرجات ابتداءا من اللين و انتهاءا بالشده
و فيه حاجه تانيه شوفتها "هما 50 متر اللي مشيتهم و شوفت فيهم عجب العجاب" كافيتيريا مشغله بنات جرسونات و لبسهم عيب عيب جدا, من نوع البنطلون المدهون برضه, و مش كافيتريا واحده , ﻷ كتير
و بعد التحدث مع بعض الجيران في الموضوع قالولي انهم كلموا صاحب الكافيتيريا اللي جنبنا في الموضوع ده فقالهم ان البنات دي فاتحه بيوت و هو مش عايز يقفل البيوت دي
نووو كومنت
موضوع اخر يصب في نفس الترعه دي و هو الكوره
انا مش من مشجعي الكوره, انا اهلاوي اسما بس دي حاجه ملهاش اي معنى عندي , عمري ما قعدت اشوف ماتش للاخر اللا عشان اللمه بتاعت اﻷصحاب, و عمري ما اهتميت اشوف التحليل الفني ﻷي ماتش او اي حاجه من دي "بكل بساطه: ملهاش لازمه" و التليفزيون عندنا في الشقه كان مش شغال من قبل العيد
كان واحد ابن حلال ماشي يقطع اﻷسلاك اللي بره على الحيطه و منهم بتاعنا رغم انه دش مش وصله , بس حرب الوصلات ما بتفرقش بين دش و وصله
المهم الناس اللي معايا في الشقه قرروا انهم هيصلحوا السلك و فعلا صلحوه, و من ساعتها التليفزيون ما بيتحولش من عبى القنوات الرياضيه اللا على القنوات الرياضيه, ماتش هنا و تحليل فني هنا, و تيجي تكلم الناس يقولولك ان دي حاجه بتبسطهم زي الهوايه , حتي فيه بعض الناس اتجرأت و شبهتها بحبي لممارسه الرياضه و لكن هيهات
انا ممكن العب كوره لكن اتفرج عليها ده مش اسمه رياضه
و تيجي تسأل الواحد من دول تلاقيه حافظ الفورماشن بتاع كل الفرق و اسماء اللاعبين, و طبعا يطلع اراءه الحكيمه في مدح و ذم و تعديل خطط المدربين , يتحرق دمه لما فريقه ما يجيبش جون و يسب و يلعن في الحكم و اللاعبين و اللي قاعدين جنبه و نقاشات لا تنتهي عن الكره

الناس بقت مغيبه, و ييجي بعد كده يقولك حال البلد بايظه علل؟

يقولك انا هقاطع الانتخابات و هو لا عنده بطاقه انتخابيه و لا عمره راح ينتخب, و يمكن ما يعرفش المكان اللي المفروض ينتخب فيه فين او مين اللي مترشح
يقولك انا هقاطع البضايع الامريكيه و الدينماركيه و هو اساسا معهوش تمنها و تلاقيه المسكين مش عارف ان مصر بتاخد معونه من امريكا

الناس مغيبه, ما تعرفش حاجه عن السياسه, و كل واحد عامل نفسه علامه في الدين و قاعد يفتي و ييجي يقولك البلد بايظه
"و من اعمالهم سلط عليهم"
"إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم"

علي ابن ابي طالب رضي الله عنه لما تولى الخلافه قال للناس "كنا نحن فكان فينا أبو بكر و عمر, و كنتم أنتم فكنت أنا فيكم" و ده معناه من اﻷخر ﻷي واحد يحاول بعد كده يقول البلد بايظه و الناس بقت وحشه يبص لنفسه اﻷول و بعدين يتكلم على غيره
